Free Community Reading Screenings
at Yonkers Riverfront Public Library 

This Spring, The Windward Institute is partnering with Yonkers Riverfront Public Library to provide free reading screenings to K-3 students. Trained teachers from The Windward School will screen children in grades K-3 on reading and language skills. Families will learn about their child’s reading skill development, areas of need, and considerations for school and home. 

 The Windward Institute Free Community Reading Screenings are made possible by The Early Literacy Endowment.  

Fill out the form below to receive information about our next reading screenings


First Name
Last Name

Students in grades K-3 will participate in:

  • a 20-30 minute screening
  • Parents and caregivers will then have a private conversation with a trained specialists (Spanish translators will be available)
  • Information and resources with recommendations for supporting students’ reading and language skills for school and home will be given to participating families 
  • Family friendly activities will be offered including DIY bookmarks and book bags to carry your library books!

Why Screen for Reading Difficulties in Early Grades?

The ability to read is one of the most important predictors of academic success.

Reading challenges can be identified before a child learns to read.

Early identification and intervention reduce negative consequences of being unable to read.

To benefit from intervention, reading difficulties need to be identified as early as possible.