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The Windward School and The Windward Institute are honored to host Katie Pace Miles, PhD, as the featured speaker at the 2024 Fall Community Lecture. Dr. Miles is an associate professor at Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY), co-founder and principal investigator of CUNY Reading Corps, founder and president of The Reading Institute and author of Reading Ready.

About the Lecture

Dr. Miles will provide a comprehensive framework for advancing literacy education by focusing on three critical areas: early identification of learning difficulties, effective interventions, and teacher training. She will underscore the importance of early detection and the use of evidence-based interventions. She will address inequities and complexities in providing timely interventions, such as stigmas and access barriers. Dr. Miles will also address challenges faced by in-service and pre-service teachers, including the need for efficient and practical training amidst the realities of post-COVID education.

The presentation will showcase national and local initiatives, such as NYC Reads, CUNY Reading Corps, and Path Forward, and the ways in which these models offer scalable solutions with broader applications.


Dr. Miles’s research interests include orthographic mapping, high frequency word learning, reading interventions, and literacy instruction that is both developmentally appropriate and grounded in the science of reading.

The Windward Institute presents two free educational lectures open to the public in the spring and fall of each year: the Fall Community Lecture and Robert J. Schwartz Memorial Lecture in the spring. Sign up for early access and information about upcoming events here.

Past Fall Community Lectures