In response to the current crisis, the Haskins Laboratories Global Literacy Hub has created webinars and online resources to help mitigate the COVID-19 slide.
The Windward Institute represents the School as a member of the Haskins Laboratories Global Literacy Hub. Haskins is formally affiliated with Yale University and the University of Connecticut and is located on Yale’s campus. The Hub is an international and interdisciplinary collaborative that brings together an unprecedented partnership of expert researchers, practitioners, educators, and education technology specialists from around the globe to address one of the most critical issues preventing people from escaping poverty, leading healthy, productive lives, and achieving their full potential. The mission of the Hub is to improve language and literacy outcomes for at-risk children, across languages and cultures. In response to the current crisis, the hub community has created webinars (including those offered by Institute faculty members Dr. Mark Bertin, Dr. Molly Ness and Dr. Lydia Soifer) and other online resources to help teachers and families mitigate the COVID-19 slide. All of these resources, including GraphoGame, are being made available to the Windward School community.