
Please visit our SpiritWear website to browse our 23-24 school year catalog.

In addition to sales through our SpiritWear website, we will have in person, and Metro Sports Sales.

  • For your order to be completed, you must include the following: child first and last name, campus location, grade, homeroom teacher
  • Spirit Wear is run by a dedicated group of parent volunteers. Orders are fulfilled once per week.

Contact Us

Windward SpiritWear Committee:

SpiritWear Co-Chair MLS/MMS Jasmine Barr at jasminekbarr@gmail.com

SpiritWear Co-Chair WLS/WMS Tara Rodriguez at tara.rodriguez1@verizon.net

SpiritWear Vice Chair WLS/WMS Briana Holden at briana.holden@gmail.com