Windward Teacher Training Program

"Teaching language, reading and writing effectively, especially to students experiencing difficulty, requires considerable knowledge and skills...The majority of practitioners at all levels has not been prepared in sufficient depth to prevent reading problems, to recognize early signs of risk, or to teach students with dyslexia and related learning disabilities successfully." (International Dyslexia Association 2010)

Teaching candidates in undergraduate and graduate education programs historically have not received adequate instruction in the foundations of language, and that is still often the case today. 

The Windward School has designed a teacher-training program that is comprehensive, demanding and extremely effective in closing the knowledge gap between research and teaching practices. Professional training at Windward is an ongoing program that begins before a teacher steps into a classroom and continues as long as a teacher remains on the faculty.

The Windward Teacher Training Program (WTTP) is a division of The Windward School that recruits, hires, professionally develops, mentors, monitors, and retains teachers at The Windward School. Through the WTTP, The Windward School provides its teachers with a detailed and explicit background of knowledge in the structure of language. We look for candidates who possess strong language skills, a passion for working with children with learning disabilities, and the dedication necessary to becoming a teacher. A future Windward teacher must also have patience, a strong work ethic, an intellectual curiosity, and an appreciation for being part of an organization that transforms children’s lives. 

A Culture of Learning and Ongoing Professional Development

Being a Windward teacher means that professional development is never completed. The entire teaching staff, including the most senior members of the faculty, is observed by coordinators and administrators and receives ongoing coaching and feedback on their daily classroom instruction. Windward is a learning community that supports continuous growth in comprehensive knowledge and skills for all faculty members. The making of a Windward teacher is a well thought-out, demanding, and intensive training program. Teaching is a craft that takes an incredible amount of study, practice, and reflection to perfect. It is the School's mission to develop a faculty that is expert in teaching children with language-based learning disabilities. Windward students deserve nothing less.

View Current Employment Opportunities Here

Hear About the WTTP from First Year Teachers in Residence

New Faculty Professional Development

Teachers, even very experienced ones, begin their careers at Windward as teachers in residence. Prior to assuming primary teaching responsibilities, they must successfully complete a one to two–year training period. First year assistants are enrolled in a highly structured Teachers-in-Residence program that provides a balance between coursework and practical application.

Read First-Year Teacher Reflections

First Year Teacher Reflections: John Ader

Westchester Middle School Language Arts Teacher

See Windward Faculty & Staff Opportunities

Be a part of Windward's culture of learning and ongoing professional development while transforming lives.

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Master's Degree Program for Windward Teachers: 70% of Tuition Cost Covered

Teachers entering their second year or beyond of teaching at Windward have the opportunity to pursue a Master's degree program in Education Studies with a focus on Literacy at Manhattanville College. This program was designed exclusively for Windward. The Windward School and Manhattanville College have partnered to cover 70% of tuition costs for participating teachers.

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Take Courses at The Windward Institute

The Windward Institute offers courses that Windward teachers take and more. 

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