Dress Code

The Windward School has a student dress code policy for two main reasons:

  • In recognition that patterns, designs, slogans, logos, and sometimes colors can be attention-grabbing, we want to ensure that student dress is conducive to and not distracting for students in our learning environments.
  • We also want to offer students reasonable options for individual expression while minimizing the social pressures and competition that often arise when dress code is unregulated. 

In seeking to meet these aims, we have sought to design a dress code that is simple and reasonably flexible so that proper dress is not a major issue for students and their families. As it is impossible to express a dress code that covers every imaginable alternative of student dress, when questions arise about the suitability of a particular outfit or article of clothing, we will be guided by the aims for the dress code as clarified in the points above.

Support and cooperation from families regarding these communal agreements are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact your child's assistant campus head.

Clothing may be purchased from any vendor, provided that the clothing meets the School’s dress code standards.

The clothing provider that Windward recommends as a model for dress code is Lands' End, Inc., in Dodgeville, WI. Visit landsend.com/school to order online or call 1-800-963-4816. If you are ordering from Lands' End, please use Preferred School Number #900030909. By using the Preferred School Number, Lands' End will return 3% of Windward sales proceeds to the School to enhance our educational program.

Click here to read more about Windward's dress code rationale.